Live Freshwater South American Jack Dempsey Cichlid Fish


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All returns accepted ReturnsNotAccepted
Water Type Fresh
Species Cichlid

Care Guidelines: Tank Requirements: Provide a spacious tank (minimum 55 gallons for a single Jack Dempsey Cichlid) with suitable hiding spots, a sandy substrate, and decorations to mimic their natural habitat. Water Conditions: Maintain stable water parameters, including a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C), pH levels between 6.5-7.8, and moderate water hardness. Diet: Offer a diverse diet comprising high-quality pellets, flakes, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods such as earthworms, crickets, and small fish to support their health and vibrant colors. Compatibility: Jack Dempsey Cichlids can exhibit territorial behavior, especially during breeding. Consider compatible tankmates such as similarly sized or larger species with peaceful temperaments. Note: Thorough research and responsible care are essential before introducing Jack Dempsey Cichlids to your aquarium, as they have specific requirements for their well-being. Male and female specifications may vary as-well as the size of the fish.Shipped with care and in procedure for travel.Shipped usually first thing Monday. Research their requirements thoroughly before adding them to your aquarium. DOA can be subject to reimbursement but prior notice of delivery will need to be acknowledged within the first few hours of delivery

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